How to Reach Your Financial Freedom Sooner than You Think– Here how.

Starting an online business is a great way to start getting your financial freedom. Not only can you make a good living, but you can also set your own hours and work from anywhere in the world.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create content as a means of promoting your business. You can also use video marketing to help increase your reach and potential customers. Finally, we’ll discuss ways to sell digital products through online platforms.

Each of these methods has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your goals and personality. However, with a little effort, you can quickly achieve financial freedom through online entrepreneurship!

woman spreading her arms

Step 1: Mind Your Mind Set

The first step is to have a mind shift from trading your hours in a day for money. Instead think of ways you can create something that adds value to people’s lives.

For example, you can create a tutorial video on how to create a website or how to start an email marketing campaign or how to draw.

Step 2: Create the Products that People Need

This is where supply needs to meets demand. You can show people how to do xyz but make sure there is a demand for it too. 

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Step 3: Marketing

Besides creating a product or a service that people need. Promoting and advertising it are very important to get the words out and to let people know these are what you offer and they can help people solve their problems.

This step is very important to your business. No matter how great your product is, nobody will know if you don’t promote it or place them in a busy platform like Youtube for example.

Step 4: Offer Both Free and Paid Services and Products

In my experience, offering a majority of your products and services for free using the 80/20 rules and only charge for small premium products/services to the public is the best way to go.

Some people even offer most of their videos and blog posts for free and using ads and or affiliated marketing to earn money.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

Come to think of it. How did Google, Youtube, Facebook and Yahoo make their money. They didn’t charge people to search on google or open a Facebook account or have a Gmail account. They earn a lot money from ads, affiliated links and offering other services on the back end. 

You can apply the same principal here to your business.

Start a blog or a YouTube channel or amazon Kindle Publishing business for eBooks or offer a course to launch your email marketing campaign. 

Whatever you decide to do. Keep producing content every day or at least every other day in the beginning to gain traction.

Then you can focus more on creating quality and premium content later. 

Step 5: Monitoring

The final step is keeping track by monitoring and evaluating what works in your content creation and marketing to double down on those topics or tactics. It is a learning experience and very crucial to your online business. Disregarding this will stagnate your growth as well as waiting time on what doesn’t work or doesn’t matter. 

There are many ways to earn money online. The main thing is to create something of value for free to grow an audience. Then you can leverage it to your other products and services or use ads and affiliated links to other great platforms and services. An example would be to post videos and blog posts on different sewing machines and help people find a good match for people needs. You can do product reviews on X vs Y vs Z software as well.

If you would like to learn more about blogging or Youtube “Lets Finance Your Freedom” for more updated videos on starting an online business. Check out my videos and other blog posts here.

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